Title | Season | |
1 | A Repeating Alleluia | Calvin Hampton | General |
2 | Abide with Me | EVENTIDE | General |
3 | Adoramus Te Domine | Taizé | General |
4 | All That We Are | Zack Stachowski | General |
5 | Alleluia (Come Adoring and Confessing) | Ed Harris | General |
6 | Alleluia al Vangelo | Andrea Gabrieli | General |
7 | Alleluia, from Veni Sancte Spiritus | W. A. Mozart | Easter |
8 | Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise the Lord | ALLELUIA SONG | General |
9 | Alma Redemptoris Mater | Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina | Advent, Mary |
10 | Angels from the Realms of Glory | Eugene Englert | Christmas |
11 | As the Eagle Soars and Circles | Stuempfle/Powell | General |
12 | Ascendit Deus (Our God Has Gone Up) | F.X. Witt | Ascension |
13 | Ave Maria (Arcadelt) | Jacob Arcadelt | Mary |
14 | Ave Maria (Mozart) | W. A. Mozart | Mary |
15 | Ave Maria (Real) | Ramiro Real | Mary |
16 | Ave Verum (Mozart) | W.A. Mozart | General, Eucharist |
17 | Ave Verum Corpus | Sir Edward Elgar | General, Eucharist |
18 | Ave, Ave, The Angel Sang | Robert Lau | Advent |
19 | Away in a Manger | Robert J. Powell | Christmas |
20 | Be Still | David Kauffman, William Gokelman | General |
21 | Behold, Before Our Wondering Eyes | Genevieve Glen | Lent |
22 | Behold, Behold the Lamb | Christopher Tye / John Wilson | General |
23 | Beyond the Moon and Stars | Dan Schutte | Advent, General |
24 | Bless These Walls | Zack Stachowski | General |
25 | Blessed Are They | John Leavitt | General |
26 | Blessed Jesus, at Your Word, Bach | J.S. Bach | General |
27 | Bread of Heaven (from For Communion) | Gilbert M. Martin | General, Eucharist |
28 | By a Tree | Paul Hotin | Lent |
29 | Cantate Domino (Pitoni) | Giuseppe Ottario Pitoni | General |
30 | Child of Joy and Peace | David Haas | Christmas |
31 | Christ Has Arisen, Haleluia | MFURAHINI,HALELUYA | Easter |
32 | Christ Is Born Today | Mark Shepperd | Christmas |
33 | Christmas Lullaby | John Rutter | Christmas |
34 | Christmas Song (Personent Hodie) | Gustav Holst | Christmas |
35 | Cibavit Eos (He Fed Them with Most Precious Wheat) | Christopher Tye/John Lee | General, Eucharist |
36 | Come and Find the Quiet Center | Zack Stachowski | General |
37 | Come Christians, Join to Sing | Carlton R. Young | General |
38 | Come Down, O Love Divine | Ralph Vaughn Williams | Pentecost |
39 | Come, Behold the Lamb | Dana Mengel | General |
40 | Come, Follow Me | S. Kupferschmid | General |
41 | Come, Gracious Spirit (MENDON) | MENDON | Pentecost |
42 | Comfort My People | Ian Callanan | Advent |
43 | Comfort, Comfort O My People, #331 | GENEVA | Advent |
44 | Crucem Tuam | Taizé | Lent |
45 | Da Pacem Domine | Melchior Franck | General |
46 | Dies Sanctificatus | G.P. da Palestrina | Christmas |
47 | Dona Nobis Pacem | Palestrina, attr to | General |
48 | Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether | Harold Friedell | General |
49 | Drop Down, Ye Heavens (Rorate Coeli) | MacFAREEN | Advent |
50 | Easter Bell Carol | Elinor Davies | Easter |
51 | Easter Fanfare | Paul Fetler | Easter |
52 | Easter Song (Hear the Bells Ringing) | Anne Herring | Easter |
53 | Echo Anthem | Gordon Young | General |
54 | Every Valley | John Ness Beck | Advent |
55 | Fairest Lord Jesus | ST. ELISABETH | General |
56 | Fanfare for Christmas Day | Martin Shaw/Dick Averre | Christmas |
57 | For the Bread, Which Thou Hast Broken (from For Communion) | Gilbert M. Martin | General, Eucharist |
58 | For the Love of Jesus ("All for Jesus"), from The Crucifixion | John Stainer | General |
59 | From Heaven High I Come to You | J.S. Bach | Christmas |
60 | Gesu Bambino | Pietro Yon | Christmas |
61 | Gift of God, O Emmanuel, #352 | Marty Haugen | Christmas |
62 | Give Me Jesus | James Hansen | General |
63 | Gloria in excelsis | Antonio Vivaldi | General |
64 | Go Ye Now in Peace | Joyce Elaine Eilers | Funeral |
65 | God Is Working His Purpose Out | Martin Shaw | General |
66 | God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen | David Willcocks | Christmas |
67 | God So Loved the World | John Stainer | General |
68 | Handel: A Tribute ("Thanks Be to Thee") | James Mansfield / Handel | General |
69 | Hark, a Thrilling Voice is Sounding (MERTON) | W.H.Monk | Advent |
70 | He Is Born | Ellen M. Coman | Christmas |
71 | He Is King of Kings | Don Kukier | General |
72 | Hear the Glad Tidings (Two Polish Carols) | Godfrey Tomanek | Christmas |
73 | Heaven and Earth are Ringing, Hal Hopson | Hal Hopson | Christmas |
74 | His Name Is Wonderful | Audrey Mieir | General |
75 | Holy Spirit | Marianne Misetich, SNJM | Pentecost |
76 | Hosanna, Music from Taize | Jacques Bethier | General |
77 | I Am the Resurrection (from Burial Sentence) | William Croft | General |
78 | I Am the Resurrection and the Life (Chant) | Junior Songs | General |
79 | I Have Longed for Thy Saving Health | William Byrd | General |
80 | I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say, Tallis | Thomas Tallis | General |
81 | I Want Jesus to Walk with Me | Ronald Nelson | General |
82 | I Will Not Leave You Comfortless | E. Titcomb | General |
83 | If Ye Love Me | Thomas Tallis | General |
84 | In Deep Silence (Two Polish Carols) | Godfrey Tomanek | Christmas |
85 | In Manus Tuas | Taizé | Lent |
86 | In Monte Oliveti | Anton Bruckner/Rod Walker | Lent |
87 | In the Bleak Midwinter | Gustav Holst | Christmas |
88 | In the Breaking of the Bread | Michael P. Ward | Easter |
89 | In the Lord I'll Be ever Thankful, #546 | Taizé | General |
90 | Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (SATB) | J.S. Bach | General |
91 | Jesus Walked this Lonesome Valley | American Folk Tune | General |
92 | Jesus, Lamb of God | Bernadette Farrell | General, Eucharist |
93 | Jesus, Name of Wondrous Love | Jean Pasquet | General |
94 | Jesus, Remember Me | Taizé | General |
95 | Joy in the Morning | Natalie Sleeth | General |
96 | Joyful, Joyful, Jubilate | Michael Jothen | General |
97 | Jubilate Deo (Mozart) | W. A. Mozart | General |
98 | Jubilate Deo (Young) | Gordon Young | General |
99 | Kyrie Eleison (a canon) | Pierluigi da Palestrina | General |
100 | Lamb of God, What Wondrous Love | Gabriel Faure, Allan Robert Petker | General |
101 | Lead Me, Lord | S. S. Wesley | General |
102 | Let All the Earth Be Joyful | Hal Hopson | Christmas |
103 | Let the Praise Go Round | William Boyle (Arr by H. Hopson) | General |
104 | Let Us Break Bread Together | Hal Hopson | General, Eucharist |
105 | Let Us Sing to the Lord, #530 | Taizé | General |
106 | Let Us Worship and Fall Down | Healey Willan | General |
107 | Like a Child | L. Ellenberger/R. Lang | General |
108 | Living Water | Emily Crocker | General |
109 | Lo, How a Rose, #373 | ES IST EIN' ROS' ENSTSPRUNGEN, Praetorius | Christmas |
110 | Lord Jesus Christ, #409 | Carol Browning | General |
111 | Lord, Today, #385 | Daryll Ducote, Gary Daigle | Christmas |
112 | Magnificat (Taize round), #522 | Taizé | Mary |
113 | My Dancing Day | Jennifer Kerr Breedlove | Christmas |
114 | My Shepherd, You Supply My Need | RESIGNATION | General |
115 | My Soul Is at Rest | Taizé | General |
116 | My Trust Is in You | Rossini, Carlo | General |
117 | Now Christ Is Risen | J.S. Bach | Easter |
118 | Nowel, from The Nativity | Randall Thompson | Christmas |
119 | Nunc Dimmitis | John Bell | General |
120 | O Christ, When You Ascended | Felix Mendelssohn | Ascension |
121 | O Christ, You Reign in Splendor Robed | Colin Mawby | General |
122 | O Come, Ye Servants of the Lord | Christopher Tye | General |
123 | O God, Be Merciful to Me | Anonymous, edited by Wm. Rowan | General |
124 | O God, Be the Music | Dan Schutte | General |
125 | O God, Beyond All Praising (THAXTED) | Richard Proulx | General |
126 | O God, You Searched Me and You Know Me, #509 | Bernadette Farrell | General |
127 | O Holy Spirit, Lord of Grace | Christopher Tye | Pentecost |
128 | O Jesu Christe | J Van Berchem | General, Lent |
129 | O Lord, You Hold and Protect Me (Taizé) | Taizé | General |
130 | O Magnum Mysterium (Walker) | Christopher Walker | Christmas |
131 | O Master Let Me Walk with Thee | MARYTON | General |
132 | O My God, Bestow Thy Tender MercY | Giovanni Battista Pergolesi | Lent |
133 | O Sacred Feast | Healey Willan | General, Eucharist |
134 | O Sacred Head Surrounded, #435 | PASSION CHORALE, Bach | Lent |
135 | O Salutaris Hostia | Oreste Ravanello | General, Eucharist |
136 | O Sing Out Forever | Henry Purcell | General |
137 | O That I Had a Thousand Voices | J. Althouse | General |
138 | O Wondrous Type | WAREHAM | General |
139 | Oh, Kind Jesus | Robert Hunter | General |
140 | Only You | David Haas | General |
141 | Open Our Eyes, Lord (#569) | Jesse Manibusan | General |
142 | Our Lord Reigns | Stan Pethel | General |
143 | Panis Angelicus (Franck) | Cesar Franck | General, Eucharist |
144 | Panis Angelicus (Stachowski) | Zack Stachowski | General |
145 | Praise Ye the Lord of Hosts, Saint-Saens | Camille Saint-Saens | General |
146 | Prayer (Lau) | Robert Lau | General |
147 | Prepare the Way of the Lord, #300 (a round) | Taizé | Advent |
148 | Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord | Edward Eicher | Advent |
149 | Processional Alleluia | C. Harry Causey | General |
150 | Pueri Hebraeorum | G.P. da Palestrina | Palm Sunday |
151 | Rain Down, #505 | Jaime Cortez | General |
152 | Regina Caeli (Aichinger) | Gregor Aichinger | Easter |
153 | Regina Coeli (Lotti) | Antonio Lotti | Easter |
154 | Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion | Kenneth T. Kosche | General |
155 | Rejoice in the Lord Alway (anonymous) | Anonymous, edited by James Gibb, CPDL | General |
156 | Rejoice in the Lord Always | Traditional Round | General |
157 | Rejoice Ye with Jerusalem | Everett Titcomb | General |
158 | Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers! | Johann Michael Haydn, 1891 | Advent |
159 | Restless Is the Heart | Bernadette Farrell | General |
160 | Savior of the Nations, Come | NUN KOMM DER HEIDEN DEILAND, arr John Perna | Advent |
161 | Send Your Word | Thomas Keesecker | General |
162 | Sheep Safely Graze | J.S. Bach, arr. William Durick | General |
163 | Sing Lullaby (Old Basque Noel) | Edgar Pettman | Christmas |
164 | Sing to God, 533 | Taizé | General |
165 | Six Choral Introits for the Church Year | Richard Proulz | General |
166 | Softly and Tenderly | Gilbert M. Martin | General |
167 | Son of God, Most Holy | Franz Schubert (fr. Mass in F, Hopson, Arr. | General |
168 | Soon May the Last Glad Song | GALILEE, Philip Armes | General |
169 | Souls of the Righteous | H.G. Langlois | General |
170 | Spirit of God, #480 | Taizé | Pentecost |
171 | Stay Here and Keep Watch, #433 | Taizé | Holy Thursday |
172 | Surrexit Christus, #455 | Taizé | Easter |
173 | Swell the Full Chorus | George Frederic Handel | General |
174 | Take My Life and Let It Be, a hymn | HENDON | General |
175 | Teach Me, O Lord | Thomas Attwood | General |
176 | The Angel Gabriel | Andrew Wright | Advent |
177 | The Clouds' Veil | Liam Lawton, arr. JGP | General |
178 | The Deer's Cry | Shaun Davey | General |
179 | The Gift of Love | Hal Hopson | General |
180 | The God of Second Chances | David Haas | General |
181 | The Guardian's Farewell | David Haas | Funeral |
182 | The Heavens are Telling | Joseph Haydn (Arr. Homer Whitford) | General |
183 | The Holly She Bears a Berry | James E. Clemens | Christmas |
184 | The Hush of Midnight | David W. Music, Timothy Dudley-Smith | Christmas |
185 | The Living God My Shepherd Is | J.L Macbeth Bain | General |
186 | The Play of the Godhead | Robert J. Batastini, BEDFORD PARK | General |
187 | There Is a Balm in Gilead, #617 | BALM IN GILEAD | General |
188 | Thine Is the Glory (MACCABEUS) | MACCABEUS | General |
189 | This Is My Beloved Son | Vanja Y. Watkins, Arr by D'Nel Stucki | General |
190 | This Is My Song (FINLANDIA), #875 | FINLANDIA, Sibelius | General |
191 | This is the Day | Jacobus Gallus | Easter |
192 | This Is the Time of Waiting | David Kauffman | Advent |
193 | This Joyful Eastertide | Alice Parker & Robert Shaw, arr. | Easter |
194 | Thuma Mina, #674 | THUMA MINA | General |
195 | Tis the Church Triumphant Singing | S. Pethel | General |
196 | To the Glory of Our King | Robert Leaf | General, Christ the King |
197 | Trumpets Resound | Allan Robert Petker | General |
198 | Ubi Caritas | Maurice Durufle | General |
199 | Ubi Caritas (Taize), #430 | Taizé | Pentecost |
200 | Ubi Caritas, #601 | UBI CARITAS, Chant | General |
201 | Unless You Learn | Marty Haugen | General |
202 | Veni Sancte Spiritus, #478 | Taizé | Pentecost |
203 | Veni, Jesu Amor Mi | Luigi Cherubini (Arr by R. Proulx) | General |
204 | Wake, Awake for Night Is Flying | J.S. Bach | Advent |
205 | Warm the Time of Winter, #339 | Lori True | Advent |
206 | We Come as Guests Invited | Dudley-Smith/Hunnicutt | General |
207 | Welcome Jesus | Thomas Strickland | Christmas |
208 | When In Our Music God Is Glorified, #539 | ENGELBERG | General |
209 | When Jesus Wept | Peter Paul Olejar | Lent |
210 | Wisdom My Road, #500 | Leslie Palmer Barnhart | General |
211 | Write Your Blessed Name, O Lord, Upon My Heart | Grotenhuis | General |
212 | You Are My Shepherd (Stachowski) | Zack Stachowski | General |