This Lent, discover Jesus, the source of our salvation. Having been tested like us in every way, Jesus sympathizes with our weaknesses and understands our sufferings. We will deepen our appreciation of the historic reality of Jesus' conquest of suffering and death through His Passion and Resurrection by focusing on the message left behind on the Shroud of Turin.
At least once a year I publish the text from an anonymous letter I received in 2005 shortly after the First Sunday of Lent. The scripture readings each First Sunday of Lent tell the story of Jesus being led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by Satan. The letter offers timeless advice, and it warrants being reprinted frequently. Usually, I toss anonymous letters right away, but this one escaped that fatal ending. By God’s grace, this letter has touched the hearts of many people at SJA and beyond (you would be amazed how many times I’m asked for a copy of it). I encourage you to keep a copy AND to pass a copy around to your family and friends. Click here to download a PDF copy of the letter.
Please click here to download Archbishop Vigneron's letter regarding a new petition initiative to include the "right" to abortion in the Michigan Constitution.