Take advantage of the many sponsorship opportunities for the festival. Whether you want to share a personal message or advertise your business, we have a variety of sponsorship options.
Book discussion group meets Wednesday, April 26 and May 3, 7:00p-8:30 pm, in the Family and Youth Center. Register at [email protected] or call (586) 777-3670
This is an engaging 8-part study feathering Jeff Cavins | Join us for an information night with a preview and introduction of the program on Thursday, April 27, 2017 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Multi-purpose Room of the Family and Youth Center.
Please visit St. Joan of Arc Parish and School on Saturday, April 15 for a fun-filled Easter celebration! The celebration will begin with an Easter Egg Hunt for children ages 2 - 7 at 10:0 a.m. on the Athletic Field. Click the title above to REGISTER.