1st and 3rd Sat of each month
Full 2024-2025 schedule to come
Fill out the information below separately for each student in your household who is attending the program. Print the linked form below and bring it with you on the first day. This form includes medical information and special needs.
Info and Emergency Form
The mission of The Center for Exceptional Needs at St. Joan of Arc is to enable persons with a variety of challenges to meet Jesus Christ and develop a friendship with Him and share the Lord’s friendship in our daily lives. Through Religious Education and Christian Fellowship, we learn about the Word of Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible, and our Catholic Church. We come together to share faith, friendship, love for one another, and to appreciate all of God’s creation.
Our students are able to participate in religious education and thus celebrate their Sacraments. We refer to these students as our Young Believers. After celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation, most of our Young Believers graduate to another part of our fellowship. These Saints in Training learn about how to put their faith in action through service activities, art expression, continuing formation, and following the examples of our Lord Jesus and the saints. Older students chose to call their group the JC Superstars. It is as superstars that they continue to practice what they had learned as Young Believers and as Saints in Training. The JC Superstars become part of our adult community through a weekly Bible reading and lesson, social interaction and Christian service activities.
With attendance of 28 students last year and a teaching staff of 15, there is no doubt that our program is thriving. Many of our students have enjoyed this fellowship for a number of years. For example, David, one of our JC Superstars celebrated his First Communion with the Exceptional Children Program back in 1959. It is important to have a continuing program for men and women after they have celebrated their sacraments and graduated from different schools and programs. They have needs for peer companionship, opportunities to feel successful, and most especially, opportunities to pray and continue faith formation in an open and unconstrained way with their peers.
Our teachers come back year after year not because of what they teach the students...but what the students teach them. Students give witness of their deep faith not only in their regular participation in Mass but in many parish activities, along with verbal and nonverbal expressions of the love and teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Since the program’s start in 1956, we have been able to share the Lord’s message with our students because of several Christian charities that have reached out to us. It is through the donations of the St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus, the Order of Alhambra Galicia Caravan #77, and many others that there is no tuition or fees charged to pay for curriculum, crafts, hospitality, miscellaneous supplies, and special field trips. During the past twelve years, we have been able to experience off-site Lenten Retreats, including visits to Father Solanus Casey Center, Manresa, the PIME, and the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica; all made possible by these donations. We are grateful for the many generous people who have donated to these wonderful and charitable organizations and who have helped these special people in our community.
Questions about The Center for Exceptional Children can be directed to the program’s coordinator Michelle Russo (586) 772-1282.